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Old 22-01-09, 07:30 AM
Bellerophon Bellerophon is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Kings Langley, Herts
Posts: 60
Default 401 Ignition Coil

Most of the problems which seen to crop up are because the cars have worn
and are not to their original specification that they left the works in, and
instead of correcting the faults people change the set up. (several members
have been caught out by electronic ignition going dead on then and there was
nothing that they could do to get the car going)
I bought my 401 car in 1962, it had a sports coil fitted, and at the time I
raced and rallied the car and never had a problem with the ignition until 1995
when the coil failed when it became warm. I fitted a new sports coil and
have been running well ever since. (with no detrimental effects).
However, the question I ask is how many members look after their
distributor? That is clean it and all the wires, check and lubricate the balance weights
The thing you should remember is that the car was on the top line when it
left the works, and if it has been looked after it still should be, so you do
not need to modify it to make it run correctly.
My regards,
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