What do you want to see in "For Sale" listings here?
I'm not entirely comfortable in having "For Sale" listings in this forum that do not include any identifying details for the seller, and/or the item being offered for sale (in the case of whole cars).
In the interests of our "members" I am thinking of creating some mandatory requirements for "For Sale" listings. However, I would like to strike a balance between the needs of sellers and potential buyers, after all, we have sites like eBay where both parties can remain anonymous for all intents and purposes, at least until a sale is concluded. On the other hand eBay does have a rating system and offers some protection for buyers (which I am not offering to replicate!).
I'm interested in hearing the views of members of this site as to what the For Sale listing requirements should be. So if you have any suggestions please post them in this thread.
Caveat: I can't promise to implement every suggestion, but please don't let that deter you from making any :-)