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jalli 27-10-13 12:26 PM

wiper blades series 3 411
am in need of new blades. any suggestions for a source. 15" blades i believe. manual gives lucas parts numbers bur items on the car are trico


Ronald G. Stephenson 27-10-13 05:23 PM

Wiper Blades for most cars....
Like tires (tyres), wiper blades are one of those generic items that can be had quite easily. Even the length is not an issue, as they can be cut to size. Just find some that will fit your wiper arms where they attach. If it becomes a real problem, even the wiper arms can be replaced.

Bryn Tirion 28-10-13 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by jalli (Post 6727)
am in need of new blades. any suggestions for a source. 15" blades i believe. manual gives lucas parts numbers bur items on the car are trico


I believe you will find that these fit and are correct for your Trico arms/blade carriers so long as you have the shiny chrome style... ten minute job to replace, but wear your reading specs while doing it, it`s a bit finickity.

Trico 43-150 Steel Blade Refill - 15" (Sold as Pair) : : Automotive

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