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Zorglub 11-04-14 09:16 AM

Radiator dimensions

I'm a new Bristol owner embarking on the restoration of a 408. I will post pictures and info as soon as I start, but I have a pressing issue with the radiator. I am ordering a number of parts from the US and am having a custom radiator fabricated. The car did not come with a radiator at all, and I am unfortunately far from any other Bristol...

Would anyone be kind enough to post dimensions of their radiator? I believe there are only few differences between all the V8 models . Also if you have pictures of refabricated radiators, that would be significant help.


GREG 11-04-14 05:47 PM

I have an old 408 radiator and fan assembly

californiabristol 12-04-14 07:54 PM

V8 Radiator dimensions
6 Attachment(s)
Here are the dimensions from a 411 radiator:

W 71cm or 28 inches
H 51.5cm or 20.25 inches
D 54mm or 2 1/8th inches

I hope the images help.
Good luck with your restoration.


Zorglub 13-04-14 03:55 AM

Many thanks. This is incredibly useful.

GREG 13-04-14 10:43 AM

But the 408 radiator is a lot different to the 411

Zorglub 13-04-14 11:10 AM

Well the car is an odd one. Started its life as a 408, but now with a 410 front end. Do you know if the 411 radiator will go into a 410 nose?

GREG 13-04-14 01:52 PM

Probably - sounds an interesting car , any pictures ?

Janne 28-04-14 10:20 PM

If it has been modified like you say then maybe the best thing to do is to measure it up yourself. Make it 2-3 cm smaller in height and width, so you can have brackets made locally and fitted. As you live in a hot country I would make the radiator thicker than the usual ones fitted to Bristol, with 2 electric fans fitted in front.

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