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8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars Type 407 onwards - restoration, repair, maintenance etc

408 Ignition switch removal

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-18, 08:49 PM
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 8
Default 408 Ignition switch removal


I noticed this evening that my ignition key was extremely hot when I turned the engine off after a short drive of about 20mins. I suspect the switch is heating up and hoping it's just bad contacts.

The bezel holding the switch into the panel is stuck fast. I am assuming anti clockwise to remove much like the other switches serving the lights etc. It will not budge even with a little light persuasion...

It occurs to me that perhaps it is threaded in the opposite direction for some reason or perhaps more likely has been glued in the past to prevent easy removal to steal the car?

Before I try persuading it to come off in a clockwise direction I thought I would seek confirmation from someone who might know.

If I can't get the bezel off the front I'm not sure how to access the switch other than removing the dash panel which would be a long job.
Many thanks

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-18, 04:32 PM
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 94

You will have to get the bezel off the front, if my 410 is anything to go by, as the switch itself lies behind the steel work that supports the wooden dash.

The bezel undoes the normal way. I made up a U shaped "undoer" which works well, out of a piece of scrap steel sheet. Picture attached. It is far better than a posh tool that I later bought in a weak moment

Once the bezel is off the switch should pop off the back quite easily but you would be wise to first remove the padding that lies below the dash. (On my car this is held by a number of self tapping screws, mostly self evident but there are two right at each end which are less obvious). This to give you reasonable access to the wiring to see and note what goes where.

The switch itself does of course have carry the whole of the switched load, which includes the cooling and heater fans, wipers, et al, which is really a bit much to ask of a Lucas design which dates back to well before the war. In short, it's really not up to the job that development has forced upon it. I have arranged that this considerable load is carried via a very heavy duty relay, in the hope that this will mean I have no further trouble from the switch. Might be something to consider.......
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-18, 03:51 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Ardrossan South Australia
Posts: 94
Default Lucas switch

Pretty sure that the switch is the same as MGB and TR4= Cntre off, A/c goes to Radio etc, C/w to Ign on and spring further to starter. Switch usually supplied without actual lock barrel. so you either buy new one, or changeover the old barrel.
Mike O
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-18, 04:47 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 10

I have replaced the ignition switch in my 408 with an exact replacement, which is a Lucas SPB501 31912 47SA ignition switch/lock & keys from
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