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jeff02740 01-10-18 11:42 AM

408 Brakes
I am the new owner of a Bristol 408.
Can anyone tell me the availability of brake discs along with
cross reference guides with other cars?


MTH 411 01-10-18 07:50 PM

Disks for V8s
Have a chat with the Spares Rep for BODA as I believe they have a source.

Kevin H 01-10-18 08:35 PM

Welcome Jeff,
Have you tried Bristol cars?

Kevin H 02-10-18 05:04 AM

Hi Jeff,
I believe the brakes calipers were Dunlop - similar or the same as that fitted to other contemporary vehicles such as Jags E-Type (possibly other Jags) and Aston DB4. I don't know about the brake discs though.

Bristol later switched to Girling brakes, which have much larger pads.

Just for future reference, there are some resources on this site here

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