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Bowley 21-05-20 09:09 AM

Bristol 411 1969 Headlight Switch
Hi. Does anyone know where I may source the correct 3 position switch for my car??

peter dowdle 21-05-20 11:57 PM


I searched high and wide for a headlight switch for my 411 mk2. No luck with the factory at the time. People told me Jag, Jensen MG but nothing fitted the dash hole.I finally found on Ebay a switch from I think a David Brown tractor. A guy in Wales supplied it. When it arrived it was in its original Lucas Box. No 39823 it fits perfectly and will do the job but has no markings on it . I am trying to find someone to engrave it but have been a bit slack in that regard.

A recent search of Ebay turned up nothing but a company autoelectricalspares.Co.Uk have them for about 12 pound.

You need to ensure your car has headlight relays on both high and low beams as the switch will burn out over time.

Hope that helps

Regards Peter Dowdle

John Keighley 22-05-20 02:31 AM

I found this for what it's worth.

Kevin H 22-05-20 04:02 AM

peter dowdle 22-05-20 11:22 AM

Thats the one I mentioned in my last post. Defeats me how you use that page to order one. There is a shopping cart in the top right hand corner but I cant work out to fill the cart

Xseries 24-05-20 01:21 PM

Sadly that part is not available which is why they offer for it to be added to a wish list, but not to a cart.

peter dowdle 24-05-20 01:37 PM

yes your right unfortunately

Bowley 10-06-20 12:19 PM

Headlight Switch
Just a thank you to those who replied. Still looking as Auto Electrics seem to be closed at the moment and as pointed out the switch seems to be out of stock and you can only put it on a wish list.
Managed to source rear lights, side/indicator and repeater light units.

peter dowdle 11-06-20 04:20 PM

Bowley the MGB (USA) Supplied switches(only on USA cars) will do the job but have a chrome surround rather than the black plastic as used on the Bristol. They do though have the advantage of having an etching of a light on them.

Im interested on where you got your tail and side lights from. There are plenty of sources of rear lenses but these are of inferior reproduction quality I am told. As for the the side lenses I havnt found any of these for some time!

Bowley 18-06-20 08:47 AM

Bristol 411 Series 1 Light units
Hi. I have been looking around to source some spare light units for my car.The rear lights are also off a 60s Hillmam Minx or a Sunbeam Alpine and I purchased a pair of complete rear units from Michael Langley at Hillman Rootes Sunbeam Humber Alpine. These were used with excellent chrome and very good original lenses. The side repeaters were NOS off Ebay UK and are also used on BMC Austin and Morris 1800. These came from seller ectronjack.The front Indicator/Sidelight units are also used on MG Midget and Sprite and were purcased new from an Ebay Uk seller.

Hope this helps.

peter dowdle 23-06-20 07:17 AM

It sounds like you have done well with the tail lights as they are getting scarce. With regards to the side light lenses I dont believe they are the same as 411 mk 1 and 2 although they would do at a pinch' Do you have the lucas number for them?

Bowley 23-06-20 07:31 AM

411 Light units
Hi. The Lucas number for the repeater lights is L735. This is what was fitted to the car when I purchased it. In the handbook it gives reference numbers for all the other light units but only a reference number for the repeater bulb--Mazda No. 501 12v, 5w.
Hope this helps.

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