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Bristol 603 Series 2. . Door inner panels

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-21, 07:22 AM
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 28
Default Bristol 603 Series 2. . Door inner panels

I need to remove the door inner panels to adjust the window frame height. How is it done? The top roll could come outwards or upwards but which? What sort of fasteners are used? Any advise welcome.
Peter Hoskin
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-21, 01:39 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 82

Comes out vertically, just held with spring clips.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-21, 11:57 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470

Some years since I did this so a bit hazy but the staring point is to remove the arm rest, it memory serves me right this is screwed into the door, to remove it I cant remember if the screws are accessed from underneath or from behind the courtesy light fittings. You will also need to remove and unplug the window switches, once this is done the lower part of the door panel can be carefully pulled off but before you do this my advice would be to carefully drill it and the door to accept screws and cup washers to refix it as clips break or pull out of the backing panel which can make getting it back on tricky, again from memory the top roll has a couple of tabs on the bottom which might be retained by screws but does lift off easily.
Also lift out the ashtray insert as there may be some screws behind that, get some proper trim removal tools as they are far kinder on the clips.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 25-10-21, 02:27 AM
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 28
Thumbs up 603 removing door inner panels

I received this assistance from John Tullet.
John Tullett here, Technical and Spares coordinator for the BOC and partner with Graeme in the Classic Bristol Car Parts Company. Also, proud member of BOCA.

There are a couple of variations removing the panels as they get modified over the years. There may be some additional screws around the edges of the main panel inserted when the clips fail.The inner door 'pull' handle has an allen key headed (cap head) bolt through the centre of its back plate. The handle mechanism has a back surround that should be pressed at its vertical sides to reveal that it is two pieces that will separate and slide out. The surround should then be able to be manipulated past the handle. Sometimes the speaker screws go through into the door panel, remove those and then the lower panel should unclip around its edges, if a trim panel removal tool is not available a 3/4 inch wood chisel or similar might help. Take care not to scratch the paint behind the panel, which may then cause rust. The upper pad lower fixings will then be revealed, although in practise this doesn't have to come off to carry out most door repairs.

As is fairly normal my series 2 is slightly different. My door handle mechanism back plate is in one piece secured by a cheese headed small bolt. The locking knob slides off, the handle chrome surround eases off and the back plate is manipulated around the handle.
There is no need to touch the window switches. once the panel is moved out the switch supplies can be unplugged at the connector near the hinge having marked then first, the speaker leads unplugged, the red warn. light supply disconnected and the panel taken away.
Should you wish to remove the switches remove the ash trainer centre which reveals 2 wood screws, remove and lift the front of the whole plate and slide forward. The switches can be pushed out from below the plate.
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