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peter dowdle 02-02-21 10:55 PM

412 Tail Lights
Having recently purchased a 412 I felt I needed to source a set of tail lights in case of an accident. Turns out they are impossible to source( off a lancia beta zagato). Fortunately through the Australian Bristol Owners Club I discovered a chap in Melbourne Australia who has made a limited number of sets. I purchased the last set he made and can vouch for the quality. He currently has one set left at the moment but that might be it . Contact me if you need his details I think about $900 Australian.

lansdownplace 02-02-21 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by peter dowdle (Post 10820)
Having recently purchased a 412 I felt I needed to source a set of tail lights in case of an accident. Turns out they are impossible to source( off a lancia beta zagato). Fortunately through the Australian Bristol Owners Club I discovered a chap in Melbourne Australia who has made a limited number of sets. I purchased the last set he made and can vouch for the quality. He currently has one set left at the moment but that might be it . Contact me if you need his details I think about $900 Australian.

I have an original set I put aside for the same reason, but I no longer have a 412

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