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Thomas591 31-03-21 05:28 PM

How does the 411 Heater operates?
1 Attachment(s)

I am completely puzzled how the heating system works on my 411 S5. I Someone enlighten me what‘s technically happening when I turn the demist/defrost knob? Were can I get this spongy ( really awkward feeling) rubber tubing shown in the attached picture?


Thomas Willig

peter dowdle 01-04-21 04:03 AM

The million $ question what is demist verse defrost. Demist sends air to the screen while retaining air flow to the cockpit . While defrost sends hot air to the screen only.

There is a wonderful article floating about on the workings of the heater box which needs to be placed on this forum for future reference.

This advice is from memory as I have replaced my heater with a "VINTAGE AIR" heater and cooler system which utilizes all the original piping so I hope I have it right.

peter dowdle 01-04-21 04:09 AM

With regards to the rubber tube, I couldnt source one , so instead I uses a white plastic down pipe elbow with a short piece of pipe sticking out one end. With a bit of imagination you can get it to fit. I then wrapped the made up bend with black woven Duct Tape to make it look a little better. It worked well

Thomas591 01-04-21 05:04 AM

411 Heater
Hi Peter,

I looked all over the net to find this article , nothing. I wished the Bristol forum would have a technical knowledge base were all these questions, than have been asked many times, could be archived. Now the wheel has to be invented again and again....


P.S. To replace the heating system with an aftermarket system is not what I want to to. I prefer to keep things original.

Kevin H 01-04-21 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by peter dowdle (Post 10986)
With regards to the rubber tube, I couldnt source one , so instead I uses a white plastic down pipe elbow with a short piece of pipe sticking out one end. With a bit of imagination you can get it to fit. I then wrapped the made up bend with black woven Duct Tape to make it look a little better. It worked well

That's exactly what I did, although I didn't cover it with duct tape. I guess it could be painted black. Although when the cover is in place you can't see it anyway.

Kevin H 01-04-21 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Thomas591 (Post 10987)
Hi Peter,

I looked all over the net to find this article , nothing. I wished the Bristol forum would have a technical knowledge base were all these questions, than have been asked many times, could be archived. Now the wheel has to be invented again and again....

Thomas, are you talking about this Bristol forum?
There is a search function.

Let me know if you have some ideas how it could be better organised.


peter dowdle 01-04-21 11:02 AM


Try. He wrote the article and is a realy nice guy. It was published in the UK club magazine some time ago. I feel sure he would agree to have you submit it to the Forums technical section.

Thomas regarding originality the 411s didnt have factory air. I dont like the look of the aftermarket units hung under the dash therefore like Kevin I designed and fitted an intergrated unit which cannot be seen inside the cabin or under the bonet.The air comes out the dash vents or on your feet or on the screen.

Thomas591 01-04-21 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by peter dowdle (Post 10990)

Thomas regarding originality the 411s didnt have factory air. I dont like the look of the aftermarket units hung under the dash therefore like Kevin I designed and fitted an intergrated unit which cannot be seen inside the cabin or under the bonet.The air comes out the dash vents or on your feet or on the screen.

The A/C system on my car looks like it was installed from new. Are you sure that you could not order an A/C system from Bristol Cars?



peter dowdle 01-04-21 10:44 PM

Thomas I am very interested in your air conditioner. The factory as I understand discouraged clients from ordering air but if you insisted they provided an under dash unit below the radio.

Could you post a picture please

peterg 02-04-21 12:10 PM

'this spongy ( really awkward feeling) rubber tubing' is heavilly deteriorated rubber

Thomas591 05-04-21 01:03 PM

Fotos of 411 A/C
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by peter dowdle (Post 10992)
Thomas I am very interested in your air conditioner. The factory as I understand discouraged clients from ordering air but if you insisted they provided an under dash unit below the radio.

Could you post a picture please

Here are two pictures

peter dowdle 05-04-21 10:05 PM

Thomas thats a very neat job ,certainly the best under dash I have seen. The beauty of what kevin and I have done is that you get the air coming out of the dash vents rather than the underdash set up.

Thank you for the post

Thomas591 26-04-21 02:46 PM

just to close this topic:

A pdf-file discussing the 411 heater is now ready for downloading in the resource section.



peter dowdle 26-04-21 09:34 PM

Well done who ever loaded this article its great to have this sort of infomation in the Resources area. To view the file I had to load some Micro Soft product . Not sure why ?

Kevin H 26-04-21 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by peter dowdle (Post 11082)
Well done who ever loaded this article its great to have this sort of infomation in the Resources area. To view the file I had to load some Micro Soft product . Not sure why ?

It was supplied by Thomas Willig with permission from the author David Billington.

The document is stored 'in the cloud' with Microsoft Onedrive, which is why you were prompted to install the Microsoft OneDrive product, however there should have been an option (possibly not very obvious) to download the file without installing the OneDrive product. It may also depend on what type of device you are accessing it with.

peter dowdle 27-04-21 03:35 AM

Beats me I am working on my computer I cant see any option other than 1 Drive. These Big companies when you register are always trying to sell you something . I prefere a simple PDF file .

Thomas591 05-05-21 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by peter dowdle (Post 11004)
Thomas thats a very neat job ,certainly the best under dash I have seen. The beauty of what kevin and I have done is that you get the air coming out of the dash vents rather than the underdash set up.

Thank you for the post

Hi Peter,

What kind of heater/ ac combination did you and Kevin use?



peter dowdle 06-05-21 03:18 AM

WE BOTH FITTED THE AMERICAN UNIT "VINTAGE AIR". Kevin had his fitted professionally I did mine myself. It is fitted under the bonet where the original heater and blower was fitted. It is a major job the biggest problem being getting enough air from their unit into the existing 411 ducting. I wont really be able to say how sucessful I have been till we get warm weather next summer.

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