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dwomby 02-04-21 02:37 AM

408 - does anything use Whitworth nuts and bolts?
I had trouble finding a spanner to fit a small nut on the fresh air vent flap. It turned out an 11/32" SAE fitted but it got me wondering: will I need Whitworth spanners and sockets for any parts of this car?


Giles 02-04-21 08:12 AM

Yes. Most things other than the engine and gearbox are BSF.

It’s mostly BSF rather than Whitworth (the fine rather than the coarse thread - and to add to the simplicity a Whitworth marked spanner fits a BSF bolt a size down).

Small fasteners are normally BA - I found a 2BA hex spanner very helpful with some old seized nuts. (And that will I think be the one you struggled with?).

This is helpful - The Classic Mechanic: MM, AF, BSW, BSF Spanner Conversion Chart

There are a lot of 1/4 BSF bolts that take a 3/16 Whitworth spanner - but this shows that a 7/16 AF would fit.

dwomby 02-04-21 06:25 PM

Thanks. I have ordered some.


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