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OakHouse411 04-07-21 01:23 PM

Spare Keys For 410 Fuel Tank
Hi there
Does anyone please know of anywhere in the U.K. that has either spare keys or spare blanks for the SX series key on my 410 fuel tank filler cap? I have one key and am trying to obtain a second. It seems very difficult to obtain a blank
Thanks in anticipation

Stefan 04-07-21 03:51 PM

What number is it? I have a few odd ones.
all the best, Stefan Cembrowicz

Geoff Kingston 04-07-21 04:01 PM

Came across this they might be able to help.

dwomby 11-07-21 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Geoff Kingston (Post 11251)
Came across this they might be able to help.

I had the same problem and ordered a key from them quoting the number on the one key I had. Their service was very prompt but the new key did not work. In correspondence with them, they were very helpful and sent me a blank. I had a local locksmith duplicate my worn key onto the blank. That worked just fine.


OakHouse411 12-07-21 08:46 PM

Thank you everyone
Thanks for all your help.
The link supplied by Geoff came up trumps. My spare key was sent very quickly and fits perfectly.

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