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AndrewA 19-10-21 02:19 PM

Rear Axle Bushes - Bristol 410
Car is going in to have rear axle looked at and at the same time I thought I'd take the opportunity to renew all the bushes - which are looking a bit tired.
I’ve sourced new bushes for all the watts linkage and surrounding areas but am struggling to find the ones at either end of the axle – the big top hat ones. The usual specialists have them on back order at the moment - so could be weeks - might be months.
I understand some owners have had success making up their own - and looking at the polybush catalogue there seem to be some there that might be a good starting point at least. But from experience I know that polybushes can be a bit harsh - depending on where they're used.

Be grateful for any received wisdom.

AndrewA 02-11-21 01:34 PM

Thanks to the gents at Pegasus parts and another, I was put in touch with a chap who has made his own bushes in the past for his Bristol. He used polyurethane rod SPROD2-90 Shore - which does not compromise the ride. You put the rod in the freezer for a day or two and then can turn it relatively easily on a lathe.
I was all set to go down this route but was saved by a call from Emma at SLJ who very kindly informed me the bushes have just come into stock ! Phew!

Thomas591 07-11-21 08:37 AM

This are very good news! Thanks for sharing this information.



Thomas591 26-11-21 01:57 PM


I received the rubber bushes today they are £29,75 & taxes each.

SLJ also sold me the bronze bushings for the back axle at £112,36 &VAT each

I thought some of you would like to know.



AndrewA 26-11-21 02:12 PM

Thanks Thomas - appreciate it.

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