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OakHouse411 14-06-22 10:32 AM

Ignition Coil
Hi there
Can anyone please tell me the correct replacement ignition coil for my Bristol 410. I am running the standard set up with points and not electronic ignition and am in the U.K.

AndrewA 14-06-22 11:51 AM

I've got a Mallory one on mine - ref 29219.

OakHouse411 14-06-22 01:15 PM

thank you for this info

Roger Morrall 16-06-22 09:23 AM

Any good quality 12V coil will be suitable provided it is suitable for use with a ballast resistor. I read once that Chrysler took to using ballast resistors to improve the longevity of the points. By the way the resistor is already in the ignition circuit

OakHouse411 16-06-22 04:54 PM

thank you for this info. There is nothing wrong with the one that I have. I just feel that a spare would be a good item to carry.

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