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Oliver 17-07-22 05:31 PM

vacumn on 360
I've got a '87 Beaufighter with 360 block & Carter carb. Problem is it's very hard to start from cold and when running engine can stall and there's no power to brakes or powered steering, which can be quite annoying when driving.
Question is- I think the servo to brakes has failed and would this also mean the choke would not work on start up because of leak in vacumn to servo?
Any advice appreciated.

David C 30-07-22 01:40 PM

You could check your starting issue by temporarily removing the pipe(s) to the servo(s) and blanking off on the engine side while starting.

I'm puzzled by the reference to steering. I assumed the Beaufighter had a belt driven steering pump in which case it shouldn't be affected by a vacuum leak.

Oliver 07-08-22 06:25 PM

When I posted first, I was trying to figure out any link between vacumn leaks and choke not working, I realised since they're separate issues
I've installed a new choke in the inlet manifold but that hasn't changed anything with problem starting. The choke goes fully off as soon as engine fires.
Main problem is I think the servo for rear brakes has failed. Awhile ago I noticed there was a leak of brake fluid under servos and the front section of brake fluid reservoir was empty.
I topped it up and tried to bleed brakes but almost no fluid came out of bleed nipple on rear brakes, whereas it squirts out on front brakes.
There's been no leak since.
When driving it's noticeable when using brakes the car lurches downwards at front, as if only front brakes are working.
I was wondering what are symptoms of failed brake servo? I don't think it's the master cylinder because of the leak around servo.
Any ideas appreciated

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