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Kevin H 05-01-23 11:25 PM

V8 car parts sources and commonality with other cars
Thanks to Thomas Willig who has provided a table of V8 Bristol car part sources and commonality with other non-Bristol cars.

The table is in PDF format and can be found in the resources section here

Please restrict contributions to this thread to concise additional information that you know with certainty about other V8 car parts commonality/sources.

Thomas will update the table from time to time, and I may remove comment clutter!

List updated 30 Nov 2023.

dwomby 06-01-23 06:00 PM

Thanks for that. I don't know if it's already known here but the late Gösta Blomquist in Sweden maintained a list for his 408 restoration that may be useful to some. It's here:


408VIKING 07-01-23 04:07 PM

The list I have in my blog is not up to date.
It applies to part suppliers in Sweden mostly.

I update if I can get the old blog update.


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