29-05-23, 04:31 PM
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: Mid Wales
Posts: 24
410 Torque Converter
Help Appreciated please.
I am looking for a torque converter and flexiplate for my 410. The engine has to come out due to crank shaft wear in the vicinity of number 3 thrust washer. There was 1/8" end float. On an automatic this is very strange and seems to be normally caused by flexi plate mis-alignment or wear in the torque converter. I have a new crank shaft ready to go in.
Does anyone please have the part numbers of the torque converter and flexiplate so that I can order the parts ready for when the engine comes out. i feel that it is prudent to replace torque converter and flexi plate when the engine is out. I am in the U,K,
Thanks in advance