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peter dowdle 04-06-23 05:15 AM

Rubber Bellows for 411 Accelerator Pedal

Does anyone know where I might get one of the above? I could make one out of leather or vinyl if I had too.

Regards Peter Dowdle

Kevin H 04-06-23 06:08 AM

What about this?

peter dowdle 04-06-23 06:36 AM


Thanks for that

It looks like it could do the job. Possibly shorter than the bristol one but I doubt that matters.

I will try and get some measurements from them and let the Forum know.

Regards Peter Dowdle

Kevin H 04-06-23 11:42 AM

That was the result of a very quick google search. There are others out there made for other cars. With a bit of searching online you might find a better fit.


Thomas591 04-06-23 05:49 PM

You can check the parts list in the resource section: the HELLA rubber works very well.


peter dowdle 04-06-23 10:24 PM

Thomas where do I find it in the resources section ? What Hella product am I looking for ?

Regard Peter Dowdle

Thomas591 05-06-23 03:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Please check the attached screenshot to find the resources section.

When you are in the resource section, click on „All V8 Bristol Cars“.

There you will find a pdf „ V8 Bristol parts sources“.



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