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Justin 28-08-23 04:12 PM

Does anyone know some about this 408's history?
2 Attachment(s)
Recently I qualified myself from an enthusiast towards an owner as I got my hands on a 408. Unfortunately the car didn't come with any history. Does anyone of you know something about it, or do you have any records where the car is mentioned? I'd love to know some more about my barns new inhabitant.

By the way, sorry about my messed up barn. When the car arrived I had it all tidied up, so the 408 feels home, but the tidying up didn't even last for a day.

The cars serial number is: 408-1-006
The chassis number ist: 408-7006
Tag: 408 VNK

Me being a newbie to this forum, I'm sorry if there is a thread already answering it all.

Thanks a lot


Nick Challacombe 29-08-23 10:22 AM

408 History
Your 408-1-006 is listed in a chassis listed in the last such list produced on the 2nd June 1994 as having engine number 949.23842C, registration number 408VNK,
colour unknown, trim unknown status unknown but is registered in England in 1964 with a ?
Nothing else listed , at the time of the list there were maybe a maximum of 71 cars built your being number 6.

After that there were 17 cars produced with power steering as Mk2's.

Sorry I cannot be more helpful, perhaps the heritage trust has more information.

My own car a 407 is mechanically very similar to yours my engine number is 949.22797C and chassis number 6028 1-028

Justin 30-08-23 10:19 AM

Thanks a lot for all the research Nick.

Thats something to start with at least. I'll continue digging around to find more about it.



GeorgeG 04-09-23 12:54 PM


DVLA records here in the UK state that it was first registered in the UK in June 1964 and its tax expired on 1 October 2003. The last V5C (modern version of the log book) was issued on 20 September 2002.

For some reason the registration number strikes a chord (I own a 408 Mark 2, maybe that's the reason) and I have a vague memory that it was up for sale in Germany in about 2013/4, but I may be wrong.


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