05-12-24, 08:25 PM
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Florida / Nova Scotia
Posts: 265
Worn brake pipe - 408 Mk1
I was fitting new rear shocks when I noticed the wear on this pipe.. It is called a crossover or bridge pipe and is part of the caliper.. This is the one from the left side rear caliper.. .This wear is from the levers that are part of the parking brake mechanism and which, on my car, are.sloppy when the handbrake is off.. I haven't found a way to tighten that up.. So I have replaced the pipe (with one for a Jaguar XK150 which shares the same calipers as my 408) and I have sleeved it to give it some protection.. .
If you have the same caliper and handbrake mechanism, you may want to keep an eye out for wear on this pipe.