19-04-24, 05:22 PM
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 353
Possible meeting for dynamometer testing
Anyone interested in a meeting at or near a dynamometer to assess the output of our cars? May involve tea and cake.
It seems the power figures from various dynamometers vary massively but an individual dynamometer will give good relative readings. My first thought is to see if we can interest the outfit that SLJ uses as they will be familiar with the engines and have a fair number of results from previous cars.
I'm not sure if it's possible but dependent on take up it should be worth asking if they can test about 8 or 10 cars briefly in the day. I am told a full session for a single car is about £800. If we are simply testing cars and perhaps quickly changing timing or basic mixture we should be able to get through a fair few. My target would be to get this done for under £100 per car and get 10 to 12 tested.
Feasibility study will follow if enough interest shown.