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David C 22-10-24 01:02 PM

410 power steering hose
1 Attachment(s)
Recent modification work to my 410, particularly fitting air conditioning, has prompted me to peer under a good few bonnets recently. One thing that I noticed is that the majority of 410s I have seen have had replacement power steering hoses made up that are quite different to those fitted by the factory. I was told many moons ago - possibly by Setright - that the peculiar drop in diameter half way along was in order to counter pulsation or fluid resonances.
Has anyone changed a factory hose for one of a different type and noticed any difference in feel?

With any luck I have managed to attach a picture of a factory hose.

Roger Morrall 06-11-24 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by David C (Post 13603)
Has anyone changed a factory hose for one of a different type and noticed any difference in feel?

The lack of any response ar all suggests nobody has. I certainly didn’t.

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