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peter dowdle 09-10-09 09:00 AM

411 Fuel Reserve Sender
Can Any One Help The Fuel Reserve Sender In My 411 Is Seized It Is Getting An Electrical Signal Correctly

Have Had It Out And Partly Disassembled

There Is A Ball In A Cage That Is Badly Corroded And Cannot Be Removed

Any Clues Please

Peter Dowdle

Kevin H 16-10-09 01:42 PM

Peter, I have moved this thread to the V8 Bristol section in the hope that it will get more attention than where it was initially posted (in the Non Bristol - Other Cars forum).

The only other exposure I have had to this type of reserve valve was on an Aston DB Mk3, but I suspect it is used on the DB4/5/6 also. The main difference between cars being the length of the pipes that go down into the tank.

They are made by Lucas and are probably used on other contemporary cars that had fuel reserves.

You are probably aware that it is just a simple solenoid operated valve, but by the looks of it, if it is badly corroded it's unlikely to be repairable.

Kevin H 16-10-09 01:58 PM

See this web page about Aston parts and scroll down to Fuel System Parts.

These guys appear to recondition them. Maybe you could send yours to them?

peter dowdle 17-10-09 02:10 AM

411 Fuel Reserve Sender
thanks kevin

have since discovered rover p4 are almost identical

may be onto a source of new lucas old stock units

will keep you posted

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