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Kevin H 30-11-09 09:55 PM

Material for under dash panels?
The guy who had been working on my 411 managed to lose the under dash panel on the passenger side (and the one on the drivers side is damaged), so I need to make some new ones.

The remaining original panel appears to be made from a very heavy cardboard like material, covered in black vinyl, similar to most cars from that era.

Does anyone know if the original material is still available or have any ideas what alternative material could be used to make new panels?

Richard Levine 01-12-09 12:08 AM

Material for under dash panels?
Hi Kevin

I was upset by the "easy-tear properties" of the cardboard under-dash panels
fitted to all my V8's, so I asked the Factory to make for me a set in
Aluminium covered with carpet matching that on the floor. They look really
good, feel great and don't tear in the corners. I also guessed that they
must have a significant sound deadening element as a side-effect. The
downside is that radio signals don't get through which meant that my remote
door opener (and security alarm) needed an aerial relocation.

Give it a try, I know you'll be happy when they're fitted.

Richard Levine

Bellerophon 01-12-09 06:40 AM

Material for under dash panels?
Kevin, I do have some of the board which can be bought from Wollies,
however, it comes in sheets about eight feet by three which would make it a
little difficult to transport to you.
But if you are stuck, I could cut you some smaller sections which would be
easier to send, so just let me know what you decide.
My regards, Alan

Kevin H 01-12-09 11:38 AM

Thanks for the offer Alan. I will give it some thought.

Richard, thanks for the aluminium idea. I hadn't though of that and it could be a viable solution.


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