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GREG 12-11-10 11:55 AM

Crate engine
Will this engine fit in a 411 S1 ?

560 HP sounds like fun :-)

Chrysler Mopar 383 Stroker 489 Complete Crate Engine: eBay Motors (item 110607553269 end time Nov-14-10 13:17:42 PST)

Kevin H 12-11-10 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by GREG (Post 3840)
Will this engine fit in a 411 S1 ?

Should do, it's the same as the original block, but the oil pan (sump) they have used may not fit.

I should have bought something like this instead of getting my own engine stroked, it would have probably been cheaper.

RGSchmitt 12-11-10 03:35 PM

Crate engine
I suspect any Mopar performance engine priced more than $6K in the
US would outlast a Bristol drivetrain by a significant factor.

GREG 12-11-10 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by RGSchmitt (Post 3842)
I suspect any Mopar performance engine priced more than $6K in the
US would outlast a Bristol drivetrain by a significant factor.

Do you mean a BMW Bristol or Chrysler Bristol ?

Claude 19-11-10 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by GREG (Post 3840)

In a conversation with Tony Crook about 15 years ago, he said they tried the 440 engine but found the differential was not up to the extra power and the beefing up necessary would probably not have made much difference in market demand. Presuming he was right, a 560 HP 383 probably would have the same problem. It would fit, but if you tried to have fun, something might break.


GREG 19-11-10 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Claude (Post 3887)
In a conversation with Tony Crook about 15 years ago, he said they tried the 440 engine but found the differential was not up to the extra power and the beefing up necessary would probably not have made much difference in market demand. Presuming he was right, a 560 HP 383 probably would have the same problem. It would fit, but if you tried to have fun, something might break.


Interesting - At the recent Bristol Celebrations, Bristol had a 411 series 6 on show and the sales man told me that it produced 600 HP and was duel fuel !

I wonder what was done to beef up the gear box and diff ? 600 HP does seem optimistic !

lansdownplace 19-11-10 09:30 AM

Crate engine
If it was the blue 411 series 6 then I know the engine was bored out to 6.7l, has a special crankshaft, forged pistons, alloy heads which were skimmed, bespoke exhaust headers, an 'SS' sports camshaft Bristol designed specifically for it and a bespoke fuel injection system and an individual ECu. I don't know about anything downwind of the engine, although I did see that one of the Fighters at the 2010 Concours had a torqueflight fitted so they can definitely be made to handle somewhere in the region of 600hp, who knows how it is done?. I have been told by someone independent who has driven the 411 that it did 0-60 in a shade over 4 seconds on a slight incline. I am sure someone can reverse calculate the power rating for the engine? I think you just need the drag coefficient and gear/final drive ratios if you know the volume of the engine. I don't know the drag co-efficient for a 411 but for a 412 it is .4 with the winter roof on and targa in place, .42 with the summer roof down and targa fitted and .44 if completely open. I should imagine a 411 would shave a little off those coefficients.


Rubbond 19-11-10 09:57 AM

Crate engine
According to my calculations Paul, on a slightly steeper incline with some
crosswind, but a skinny driver, that would put it at just about 700 HP
wouldn't it?.
Oh, I forgot, what does the car weigh?

lansdownplace 19-11-10 10:30 AM

Crate engine
Clearly something is not right in the calculations (or the 0/60 time I was given by a mate). The Fighter does 0.60 in under 4 seconds and has 525HP, weighs 1540 kilos and has a CD of 0.27 (i think) which you could use as a benchmark for your figures. The 411 weighs about 1800 kilos. I don't think drag is a very significant factor at lower speeds as wind resistance squares with speed but weight and traction definitely factor in. What do your numbers come out at for acceleration at 600hp? Presumably the torque curve also impacts on the 0/60 acceleration more than power?



lansdownplace 19-11-10 10:30 AM

Crate engine
Hi Rubbond, I found this site which unfortunately relies on quarter mile timings but the formula doesn't allow for drag or power train loss etc as far as I can see. There are some other interesting formula on it though

Sometime ago I found a site that did very accurate modelling of the effects of turbocharging your engine, it allowed for a very wide range of performance factors, but subsequently I have never been able to re-find the site. Does anyone have any pointers?


Rubbond 19-11-10 11:00 AM

Crate engine
I was joking Paul!
One would need a huge amount of data to calculate something like this, even
if the vehicle remained in 1st gear and no wheel spin.
Easiest just to try it, but as someone remarked, you might break something!

lansdownplace 19-11-10 11:56 AM

Crate engine
Hi Andrew,it was early, I was still dazed from last night. I think most 0/60 times are 'one time only' and irrelevant anyway if you are over nineteen. The Aston Martin Vanquish failed spectacularly after just a few hot starts at it's press launch as I recall. There is an interesting article on the true top speeds of some of the great supercars in one of this months car mags. The Countach was particularly slow off the mark.

I was amused that someone though you might be Anthony Stevenson, even MI5 wouldn't construct such a deep cover by posting for years as Rubbond, using a different personal name and claiming to live on the opposite side of the country all on the off chance you might one day in 2010 join BCL and need to mount an undercover operation. Or is it a cunning triple bluff?


GREG 19-11-10 12:29 PM

You are all Nutters -- I am Anthony Stevenson and so is my wife !


Large Member

GREG 19-11-10 12:43 PM

But back to the crate engine advertised -- I have asked Santa for one to go in my 411 S1 and will uprate the other bits as I destroy them.

Anyone know how to swap the engine numbers to keep it original ?

Greg ;-))

Barrie 20-11-10 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by GREG (Post 3889)
Interesting - At the recent Bristol Celebrations, Bristol had a 411 series 6
on show and the sales man told me that it produced 600 HP and was duel fuel !

I've always learned to treat what the sales people at Bristol say cum grano salis.
Really nice people but fluent in 'estateagentese.'

Originally Posted by GREG (Post 3889)
I wonder what was done to beef up the gear box and diff ? 600 HP does seem optimistic !

I don't know about the differential which seems to be able to take the strain
but the 727 Torqueflite (or 518 in my case) benefits from fitting with kevlar bands.

caspian pugh 07-02-11 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by GREG (Post 3904)
You are all Nutters -- I am Anthony Stevenson and so is my wife !


Large Member

I am Spartacus!

Gay member who will not brag about size

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