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GREG 07-12-10 12:00 PM

Window tint
I am thinking of having the glass slightly tinted on a 411 S1.

Any advise most welcome.



Nick Challacombe 07-12-10 02:06 PM

Window tint
Hi Greg,

Try specsavers they have a two for one offer on at the moment :-)


bkz411 07-12-10 03:10 PM

Window tint
Hi Greg, No advise, but I have subtle tinting on the glass of my 411 S6 and
it looks great. It is only slightly tinted and so doesn't look out of place
I feel - see
e476-car-photo-307353-25.html. John

GREG 07-12-10 03:48 PM

I think it was your car that made me believe that I needed it -- I will check out
specsavers !

I have seen that it can be done by spray or film but I don't know which is best. I do know it's something that I wont tackle.

Nick Challacombe 07-12-10 05:48 PM

Window tint
Hi Greg,

I am so glad you noticed the shine, seriously though several people
advertise this service but
you have to be careful as the police now have meters to check the density of
the tint.
It is therefore best to get it done professionally. Eye shadow does not
quite come up to the mark.:-)

GREG 07-12-10 06:05 PM

It's the tinted glass on BKZ 411 I was impressed with. Maybe I should ask Bristol Cars.

Barrie 07-12-10 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by bkz411 (Post 4052)
Hi Greg, No advise, but I have subtle tinting on the glass of my 411 S6 and
it looks great. It is only slightly tinted and so doesn't look out of place
I feel - see
e476-car-photo-307353-25.html. John

Could you please re-post the picture?
The URL address seems to be broken/interupted.
Many thanks

GREG 07-12-10 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Barrie (Post 4056)
Could you please re-post the picture?
The URL address seems to be broken/interrupted.
Many thanks

If you look at the top of the page and click on Albums, you will find the BKZ pictures.

A very nice looking Bristol and one of the first things on my list after the lottery win ! Along with an Arnolt kit car with correct gaskets :-)

Barrie 07-12-10 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by GREG (Post 4057)
If you look at the top of the page and click on Albums, you will find the BKZ pictures.

A very nice looking Bristol and one of the first things on my list after the lottery win ! Along with an Arnolt kit car with correct gaskets :-)

an easy link:
Bristol Cars - Owners and Enthusiasts Forum - bkz411's Album: 411 series 6
Lovely car.

These tints are probably a bit too dark.

The colour of the tints along with the colour of the car will have a bearing on the overall appearance.
The best tints I've seen on a 411 were green (possibly Sundym) with pale metallic green paint.
The least attractive was black windows with dark blue paint. It really needed dark grey tints.

geo 07-12-10 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Barrie (Post 4058)
The least attractive was black windows with dark blue paint. .

This combination might be less attractive, but I think it is de rigueur amongst both North and South London drug dealers!


John Keighley 08-12-10 03:04 AM

Window tint
Good idea. Our 410 was done but don't get it done too dark or it ends up looking like you could be a member of the leg-breaker gang!
John Keighley.

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