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Janne 23-04-11 01:56 PM

Powersteering adjustment -411 S5
A stupid question:

I want to get the steering a little bit heavier, do I adjust the screw clockwice or the other way around, looking from the top?

Ronald G. Stephenson 23-04-11 04:25 PM

Power steering woes
There is not such thing as a stupid questions. I have always been disappointed when my students would not ask the questions for fear of being looked upon as dumb, when they really needed answers to the material covered. It takes many of us a good number of years before we can utter the phrase; "I don't know", but the world would be much farther ahead if more questions were asked.
Anyway, depending upon the type (model) of power steering they used in those years, I have found that the adjustment you are referring to is merely to take up 'slack' in the system to accomdate wear. The feel of the steering is set by the internal valving, and that requires a specialist to modify the effort. You need to know who supplied the power steering unit on your car, then it becomes a matter of finding a specialist to modify your unit. I hope that answers your 'stupid' question. Ron

Kevin H 24-04-11 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Ronald G. Stephenson (Post 4943)
... depending upon the type (model) of power steering they used in those years, I have found that the adjustment you are referring to is merely to take up 'slack' in the system to accomdate wear. The feel of the steering is set by the internal valving, and that requires a specialist to modify the effort.

Does this apply to the ZF power steering box? (that's what Bristol used)


Hydroglen 24-04-11 09:56 AM

This is not adjustable. A different pump may be a solution, but it is a combination of pump and steering box. There are pumps that reduce the assist at high speed. The theory being that you will be on fairly straight roads and little steering required.
Could always let air out of the frt tyres lol|

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