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exgasman 04-10-12 08:59 AM

Rlr243r ??
Does anyone know the whereabouts of my old 412 S1(1977) RLR243R.
Might be interested to have it back if it’s still in one piece.

Thomas 12-10-12 06:46 PM

412 s1
Yes still about and in one piece but not on road.
Hoping to find some time over winter.
It`s sound just fair bit of fettling.

exgasman 10-11-12 03:58 PM

That’s good to hear it was a good car when I had it and we had loads of fun in it when my kids were young. Out favourite was to ride through the underground car park setting off all the car alarms.
If you need any info on the car I would be pleased to help if I can so just drop me an e-mail.
Also if you ever want to sell it please let me know as I would love to have it back to restore now that I am retired and have plenty of time on my hands.
Anyway have fun...Colin

exgasman 04-06-18 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Thomas (Post 6256)
Yes still about and in one piece but not on road.
Hoping to find some time over winter.
It`s sound just fair bit of fettling.

Hi Thomas Do you still have 243R or has it been sold on, if you are interested in a sale give me a reply or e-mail. Many Thanks, Colin

Thomas 04-06-18 06:27 PM

Hi Colin
Is that thread from 2012 ?
Amazing and also er amazing how little gets done . I continually disappoint myself ...
Yes still have her , has been run once in that time, calipers then removed and rebuilt at past parts, await refit , other distractions plus work and family but your not interested in all that !
Thanks for your interest, please let me think on it and probably have a chat sometime anyway .
I'm near Cambridge, pm me if you like.

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