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Old 02-10-15, 06:12 PM
Bob318 Bob318 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
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Default Many bottom end parts DO interchange

Originally Posted by Kevin H View Post
The 340 is NOT the same family of engine as the 313 and 318 engines used by Bristol.

The 313 and 318 engines used by Bristol were "A" series engines, with a polyspherical cylinder head chamber. The engines are commonly referred to as "Poly" engines.

Chrysler then moved on to produce the "LA" series engines which had a wedge shaped head chamber. There are few, if any, interchangeable components between a 318 Poly and a 318 "LA" or wedge head engine.

Unfortunately, the "LA" series engine is commonly referred to as the "A" engine which causes much confusion.
Actually, the 318 A series polysphere and later LA wedge-head versions (at least into the early '70s) use the same forged crankshaft, connecting rods, oil pump, water pump, timing gear, and many other bottom-end parts. Distributors interchange as well. Of course, the pistons and pushrods are different. And of course the heads and intake/exhaust manifolds. The blocks themselves are similar and use the same bore and stroke. The A-series poly 318 has a thicker block, however, versus the thin-wall block on the LA 318.
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