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Old 07-10-15, 12:20 PM
Bobbyweaf Bobbyweaf is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Redditch, Worcester, England
Posts: 57

Hi Folks,

Stupid me, I sorted it in the end. Living in the UK I never considered left hand drive! looking at the aperture for the steering column of my right hand drive there is an identical shape on the left. I never noticed until I photographed the wrong piece of dashboard and there was a very loud clang as the penny finally dropped!

However, there was a switch hole hidden in the wooden dashboard just where semi-circular "hole" was and it was covered with a thin veneer, so when it was bumped it looked like a dent. The hole will now be used (after re-veneering) for a cigarette lighter style fitment for running things of like a tyre pump/currency converter etc. etc. Not original I know but practical in this day and age.

Bob W
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