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Old 08-10-15, 06:40 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470

If anyone can confirm that the wiper arrangement is the same as the 603 the spindles are connected by a rack with a direct drive off the wiper motor located behind the glove compartment, if that is the case on your car make sure it is not the wiper motor that is seized on mine it was ( only discovered after fitting should have checked it first ) and they are difficult to find being only used as far as I could find out on the Rover SD1, my replacement was sourced off eBay, Rimmer Brothers did have some new ones for sale complete with the racks but I have no idea if Bristol used the Rover rack as well, if they did the chances are the arms might be Rover as well.
The only caution I might add on the Rimmer option is that these parts if they still have any left are almost certainly from the stock of parts they acquired from India when SD1 production ceased there so may not be the same as the UK built cars, worth asking them though if you need one.
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