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Old 24-11-15, 06:34 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

On the 603 wiring diagram I have there do not appear to be any additional relays, it shows a separate flasher unit for the indicators and the hazard lights with wires picking up from terminal 7 and 5 respectively on the Hazard switch if you enjoy following wires as much as I do (don't).
The wiring diagrams are on the BOC website but I found out when working on my 603 that the colour codes used on the car do not always correspond with the diagrams, something that Brabazon told me at the time was quite common on that model making it one of the more difficult cars to work on electrically.
For someone like me who does not like car electrics that was not what I wanted to hear but we got there in the end, in some cases by tracing wires and the only thing that still has us foxed is the passengers side electric window.
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