Originally Posted by Cargirl
Wow. You guys are tough. I get Vintage Roadcar/Racecar in the mail but I also get an e-mail as soon as the old issue is online. The December issue is available now.
Some British publishers are clearly not as generous
I don't think, if this was a marketing ploy to increase membership, that it was very well thought out since only three of us have responded.
Hmm, but 139 people have read the thread so far and many hundreds would have received the initial post by email. Every little helps.
I would be interested in knowing the gist of the article though just for the matter of discussion on the forum.
Yes, it would have been nice if someone could share the gist of the article. I would if I could get it. I tried to get the three issues for £3, but that's only for the UK. I had a look at a sample of the digital version but it's not possible to re-size to my phone screen, so I won't be buying it that way. Needless to say I'm not paying £55 for a year's subscription just so I can see the article.
I have been conducting my own study of Arnolt-Bristol prices in the last few years. I'd like to compare.
So are you going to share that with us?