Thread: Engine heat
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Old 27-03-16, 03:21 AM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

The choke on the early V8's is controlled by a spring in the manifold below the carb on the rh side of the engine, you will see a rod going down to it, it is adjustable but I cant remember how but it is in the workshop manual and Bristol cars can sort this out for you or tell you what to do to adjust the spring.
An easy check when the engine is cold is to take the air filter off , if the flap in the front of the carb is not totally closed push it shut having pumped the throttle a couple of times before and it should start straight away, if it does the spring is the problem and is fairly easily obtainable from American parts suppliers and if it should be broken and the usual sources don't have it.
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