Thread: Oil consumption
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Old 16-08-16, 09:02 AM
405dh 405dh is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Droitwich Spa
Posts: 43

Hi Peter. If the engine has had very little use in the 4 years since being rebuilt and only just had a decent run, I would suspect sticking piston rings or possibly a broken ring(s) as a result of long period of inactivity.
I would advise the rebuilder of your problem and seek their advice as to how best to determine the cause. Only when you have found the cause can you decide if the rebuild has been at fault or something caused by long term inactivity.

A 4 year period since the rebuild puts you in a bit of a difficult position so tread carefully as I think you need some goodwill from the rebuilder to help in the diagnosis of the problem and its rectification. Good luck!

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