Thread: Oil consumption
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Old 16-08-16, 07:59 PM
peterg peterg is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 262

Works out about £1,000 for the pistons, £4,000 labour plus any other costs - boring, honing and materials.

Hence if if they can be replaced and honed without the head coming off and engine in situ there should be a big saving in labour and piston costs.

The engine was completely rebuilt with new liners and pistons (from Bristol's) 40 years or 20,000 miles ago, so there should be minimal bore wear. I do remember the specialist saying that he could still see the honing marks in the bore of the cylinder.

If there are any people in the west country who can do the job for less I would be very interested!

Last edited by peterg; 16-08-16 at 09:45 PM.
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