Thread: AB Rally
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Old 27-09-16, 07:22 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470

Its very sad that your father lost out on the deal when he sold the car, the purchaser selling it and defaulting on the loan agreement. One of the law professors commenting on the matter in the article Cargirl posted the link to suggests that this might have constituted theft at the time but this was disputed by lawyers acting for a subsequent owner and the interpretation they put on the situation is sadly more compelling and it is very doubtful if any court, especially now, would regard this as a stolen car, therefore the current owner almost certainly has good title to it.
I could understand an Auction house being cautious if they were asked to sell it because of your on going action but what I just don't get is why the club if they view the car as so suspect would hold a meeting in secret rather than just tell the owner not to bring it, more to the point if that was the case why did other owners participate in the event.
If it was a local event rather than a national meet that might explain the lack of press coverage rather than a cover up.
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