Thread: AB Rally
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Old 28-09-16, 05:50 AM
Kevin H Kevin H is offline
Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by tdoran View Post
To answer your question at the end, with what I know about this matter I can't understand why anyone would attend his event.
Possibly because they couldn't care less?

All we are after is dad's car back home where it belongs.
From what I recall, your dad SOLD the car. He didn't want it any more, because he had done racing it and had moved on to another car. He allowed someone to drive off in the car, never expecting to see it again. So it wasn't "stolen".

I gather that your dad agreed that the buyer of the car could pay for it in installments and the buyer made some payments, but not all that were required.

Your dad should have pursued the debtor. Had he done so, he would have probably got the rest of his money, but in all likelihood he wouldn't have got the car back, so I don't see how you can argue that it "belongs" back home.

You're just saying that because it's now worth a lot of money.
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