Thread: AB Rally
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Old 29-09-16, 11:22 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470

Consider this then and it might be a very bitter pill to swallow, If the car is with a dealer and for sale would it not be better to purchase it back rather than spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on a legal fight you might not win.
If you loose you could end up paying the other sides legal costs and the whole lot could easily exceed the value of the car even at today's high values.
Money might mean nothing to you but that won't feel so good if you get landed with huge legal bills and still don't get the car back.
We were in a very similar situation many years ago although the car in question was nowhere near as rare as an Arnolt , we took legal advice, there was no way we were going to get the car back and no way we were going to get any more money out of the purchaser.
I must say that your law enforcement people were right in suggesting full disclosure of the situation but advising you to renew the title on a car which was not in your possession!
And the licensing department likewise for issuing you new documents, over here that would cut no Ice as they would contact the current registered keeper if they were in the UK and in most cases inspect the vehicle in question, but then we have a national rather than a state system for vehicle registration.
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