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Old 28-02-09, 10:54 AM
jimfoz jimfoz is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 88

I think fuel consumption is a factor and has been for years at Bristol. Why have they offered LPG as an alternative for the last 30 years? the LPG option has probably enabled the cars to be as theoretically cost effective as a 2.0litre Mondeo.

Also for the servicing, yes if you had a Merc or BMW engine fitted you could take it to their dealerships for servicing. It was suggested that you could take the Bristol to the Chrysler dealerships in the seventies for servicing (when they existed) as a 360V8 Chysler was briefly marketed in the UK at around this time. At the end of the day, the engine used, although good, is not the last word in sophistication compared to the modern day engines used by other luxury marques and a competant mechanic can probably do as much as a Bristol technician.

Obviously fitting say a V8 diesel is not easier said than done. All the ancillary bits would possibly have to be upgraded at the same time (ECU, electrics, air con etc)for compatibility, and for future improvements.