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Old 30-05-17, 02:03 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Roger, Mike, Kevin,
Thank you for the additional help and advice I am getting a better understanding now of how the system works and what we should be checking,I shall be printing all this out this evening for reference in the workshop.
John Harris from Bristol was with me yesterday afternoon and he did check the resistance on the sender unit which he thought was about right for the amount of petrol in the tank and also checked the two spare gauges I have which appear to be fine, he could not a good earth reading off the gauge or the metal frame all the instruments and switches are mounted to.
He suggested we needed to look carefully at the Dashboard earths and put a better earth on the sender unit as well.
This afternoon I think I could be a bit closer to a solution as I have discovered that the car has a bad earth on the main battery terminal, have not been able to get it off yet to clean things up as the bolt is turning and is an awkward position between the battery and tool box, not at all easy to at get from under the dash so I decided a coffee and another read of everyone's thoughts on the matter was a better idea.
Hopefully by the end of the week we will have had another go at it and I might be in a position to report some success.
My R Type Bentley has decided this is a good fault to replicate knowing how keen I am on car electrics!, the gauge on that one has suddenly started to read full all the time so with all the help you have all offered we should be able to fix that as well.
Roger you missed a good show near Newcastle Emlyn yesterday, Brian was there with his 410, I had the 603 so if you had made it 100% of the roadworthy Bristols in Pembrokeshire would have been on show.
Thank you all again,
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