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Old 16-07-17, 05:37 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470

I can only go on what I was told by one of the owners and what I have seen mentioned as production figures by some of the dealers or brokers who have had Blenheim 3's for sale over the last twelve months, this is where the figure of 8 or 9 cars came from. One at least has had a number change between sales and while it would be nice to think they were more about I find it hard to accept that there was suddenly a three fold leap in production for the last model especially as they seemed to have stopped building them a few years before the company failed but if Geoff's sources are good then that is good news for anyone looking to buy one, I nearly did earlier in the year but decided to renovate my 411 series 3 instead.
The car made a very interesting comparison with my 603 and performance wise seemed to sit mid way between that and the 411, might still take the plunge one day.

Having just looked at the BOC data base for the Blenheim they currently have 23 listed in total made up of
B1 3
B2 7
B3 8
B3S 3
B3SP 1
B4 1

The car I looked at incidently was a 3 but one of the 'knowledgeable' dealers had suggested it might have been an S due to the specification, it is still among the 8 B3's listed with the BOC but not with it current owner.

Last edited by Geoff Kingston; 16-07-17 at 06:13 PM. Reason: Additionl comments re BOC data
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