Cylinder Head Tightening
Hope you got what you needed from Tony Byford. If not, please be aware that there are no accurate torque figures given, as the nuts on the opposite side to the exhaust are inaccessible with a torque wrench. Bristol therefore supplied a special double ended ring spanner when new which was 1/4" Whitworth at both ends and had a bend in it to allow access to the rear nut on the non exhaust side. This allowed only a "one flat at a time" approach as described in the workshop manual, up to the limit in strength of the individual doing the job, or of the spanner !! In most cases the spanner wins and you get an evenly tight result by using the exact same length of spanner for all nuts.
Thanks in part to Geoff's advice, my 406 engine now seems to be working fine after 140 miles. Will wait and see whether I can tighten further at 500 miles.