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Old 21-08-17, 11:53 AM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Design purity is a relative term, the 603 is not the best looking Bristol by a long way but nor is it the worst. The alterations for the Brigand and Britannia were an improvement in most peoples eyes and were not that radical, the changes for the Blenheim were not especially at the rear . The original car was actually well received when it came out, at the time Autocar or Motor actually described it as pretty, not something you could say about the later car for which striking might be a better description, Buckley has an interesting take on the evolution of the 603 to the last Blenheims which I think sums it up rather well.
One thing is certain drive any of these cars, or for that matter any Bristol, through any large town centre and they get the looks and the comments as mine did yesterday afternoon driving through Bath on the way back from the annual BOC concours at Yeovil.
The previous owner of my car had the back end altered during its repaint , the back wings were altered slightly to incorporate LDV rear lights mounted directly to the panel,they are smaller and look better than the lamps Bristol used on the Brigand and Britannia but the best bit is the boot lid where the outer skin has been re made without any recess except for the number plate and does not carry any lamps. The overall effect is much more pleasing to the eye though the rear track still looks too narrow though I understand some owners have used wheel spacers to alter this .
It was nice to see a good turn out of cars at yesterdays event with an example of everything except an Arnolt.
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