Thread: Enjoyable drive
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Old 29-08-17, 09:10 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Hope things don't get any worse for you all weather wise, did the trip four and a quarter hours approx including a short coffee stop, the run is wonderful often traffic free and at an easy pace, I headed for Lampeter, Tregaron, Devils Bridge, Aberystwyth and back down the coast, the old R Type did not miss a beat. The level of traffic on some of these roads is not much different to when it was new . I have done the run in the 603 as well and the larger lazy engines do make easy work of all the hills which they mainly cope with in high gears.
The old knee and elbow held up as well so all in all the day lived up to expectations, am looking forward now to next year when I can do the trip in the 401 though I suspect with a fair bit more gear changing.
The R Type is two years older than me and in possibly better condition! a wonderful old car and an ideal companion to an early 50' s Bristol.
The S Type likewise for the 411 so maybe that is the ideal set of cars, I shall still keep my 603 though.
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