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Old 03-09-17, 03:11 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

I don't think the small nutplates were standard, they are not on my 403 or 401 or on the spare panels I have off 401's and a 405.
Likewise the plate riveted over the worn area would have been a later addition which gives you a free hand on how you cover or reinforce this area.
On the composite panels I have none have completely parted and I have found them perfectly strong when bolted back in place, I don't think the core on mine were plywood so if that has gone bad you may have to replace the wood and use a modern glue to fix the alloy faces back on with everything clamped in place.
I used a modern bolted panel sealer when I put the floors back in my 401 as it was much easier than replacing the felt and probably more water tight as well. When the covers go back over the gearbox I will do the same plus silicone in some areas to ensure everything stays as dry as possible when the carpets go back.
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