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Old 06-09-17, 10:34 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

3/8 drive 1/4 w socket will do the nuts on the drivers side of the engine, 1/4 w obstruction spanner is needed for passengers side, it can be done with a straight spanner but it makes a slow job even slower.
Original spanners are rare and expensive, Greg Lowe had some good quality reproductions made, don't know if he has any left, they were not cheap but they were exactly the right size and shape .
Some years ago in a BOC mag there was a feature on making custom spanners to use sockets and torque wrenches, all the associated calculations were way over my head so if in doubt stick to the original tools and advice in the manuals. Having said that flea bay is a good source of whitworth obstruction spanners that will do the job quicker than a straight spanner and a few years ago I managed to buy some custom/home made spanners which had belonged to someone that had worked on these engines in their heyday, they look crude, are strong and work beautifully , they were not cheap as several owners were obviously after them but illustrated how ingenuity will find a solution often at lower cost than the commercially available options.
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