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Old 10-10-17, 07:17 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468
Default Head saver shims or gaskets.

I have acquired a 401 where the cylinder head has been skimmed to the point that it is going to need a head saver plate or shim together with a head gasket or alternatively a thicker than standard head gasket, to restore the original compression ratio, the previous owner has calculated that 3 mm is needed.
I would be interested if anyone has been in this situation and how they overcame the problem, if a head saver shim was used does it have to be bonded to the head and what the best way to do this is so that the process is successful. I have seen a few firms in the UK who advertise custom gasket manufacture but have not used any so any recommendations would be most welcome.
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