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Old 05-11-17, 11:50 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Thanks for the lead to Metaline this is information I can pass on to two suppliers of Cellulose paint for older cars who now at least will have something to work on.
I must admit I had not thought of asking Bristol Cars I will have to give Brian a ring. I have been able to get a very good paint match on another 401 which had been painted in Rolls Royce Garnet some 30 years ago but never gone back on the road, a period of bad storage had resulted in extensive Micro Blistering but worse still areas of the paint are failing and it looks as though etch primer had not been applied, the pity is at a distance the car still looks shiny and smart. It had been painted in 2 pack and the local paint sprayer I use quite rightly says the only way to do it properly is to remove the paint and start again.
I am more concerned with getting LRU finished and getting this car back on the road. Autopaints of Brighton have supplied cellulose paint mixed to the Rolls Royce colour code which is an excellent match and therefore for the time being localised touching up will be the order of the day.
They can also supply other paint finishes such as 2 pack to the trade and seem to have an extensive data base for a lot of older cars but sadly not Bristol.
Thanks for your help.
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