Electric window issue
Having struggled on with the old Piper motors on the 409, I finally decided enough was enough! Limit switches unobtainable and a couple of s/h units from Bristol Services saw me override the limit switches. However, the noise and worn out chains became too much.
I searched for alternatives here in Australia and the best solution I could find was by looking on Ebay where I sourced a kit designed for hot rods! For A$400 I got a pair of motors, mechanisms and looms with switches. These work like a wiper motor rack system and there's a need to cut the mechanism to fit. It would appear that I can retain the weight assistors fitted in the Piper set up, plus leave the metal channels at the glass bottom, plus guides in place.
If anyone is interested, I will provide photos. Issue may be with getting the wiring installed, but all harness is supplied.